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On April 4, 2024 at 8:26:11 AM +0100, Gravatar David Donnelly:
  • Updated description of resource Land use scenario in SSP1-Low Emission Land Use Scenarios - land use change from

    ## A SSP1-Low emission land use scenario based on LCM2019 for Scotland - Land Use Change only - baseline 2019 and scenario 2050 (Nov '22) Morton, R. D., Marston, C. G., O’Neil, A. W., & Rowland, C. S. (2020). Land Cover Map 2019 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB) [Data set]. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. Wardell-Johnson, D. (2022) Stocking rates derived from IACS 2019 version 4. Based on data from Land Parcel Information System (2019) courtesy of Rural Payments and Inspections Division, Scottish Government. Based on data from the June Agricultural Census (2019) courtesy of Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services, Agricultural Statistics team, Scottish Government. Chapman, P. (2007) Conservation Grazing of Semi-natural Habitats. Technical note TN586. SAC tn586-conservation.pdf ( FAS (2021) Practical Guide: Managing Peatlands and Upland Habitats. (author: Paul Chapman) Castellazzi, M.S.; Gimona, A. (2021) SLM-OptionsTool, a land use change tool for Ecosystem Services (arcgis toolbox and user manual included, part of RESAS Deliverable-O1.4.2ciiD27). Castellazzi, M.S., Matthews, J., Angevin, F., Sausse, C., Wood, G.A., Burgess, P.J., Brown I., Conrad, K.F., Perry J.N. (2010). Simulation scenarios of spatio-temporal arrangement of crops at the landscape scale . Environmental Modelling and Software 25, 1881-1889. CC BY-NC 4.0 namely “Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International“ (
    ## A SSP1-Low emission land use scenario based on LCM2019 for Scotland - Land Use Change only - baseline 2019 and scenario 2050 (Nov '22) Morton, R. D., Marston, C. G., O’Neil, A. W., & Rowland, C. S. (2020). Land Cover Map 2019 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB) [Data set]. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. Wardell-Johnson, D. (2022) Stocking rates derived from IACS 2019 version 4. Based on data from Land Parcel Information System (2019) courtesy of Rural Payments and Inspections Division, Scottish Government. Based on data from the June Agricultural Census (2019) courtesy of Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services, Agricultural Statistics team, Scottish Government. Chapman, P. (2007) Conservation Grazing of Semi-natural Habitats. Technical note TN586. SAC tn586-conservation.pdf ( FAS (2021) Practical Guide: Managing Peatlands and Upland Habitats. (author: Paul Chapman) Castellazzi, M.S.; Gimona, A. (2021) SLM-OptionsTool, a land use change tool for Ecosystem Services (arcgis toolbox and user manual included, part of RESAS Deliverable-O1.4.2ciiD27). Castellazzi, M.S., Matthews, J., Angevin, F., Sausse, C., Wood, G.A., Burgess, P.J., Brown I., Conrad, K.F., Perry J.N. (2010). Simulation scenarios of spatio-temporal arrangement of crops at the landscape scale . Environmental Modelling and Software 25, 1881-1889. LICENCE: CC BY-NC 4.0 namely “Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International“ (