Mapping selected bio-physical aspects of Aesthetics in Scotland based on 10 m...
This project is part of RESAS Strategic Research Programme (2016-2022) Workpackage 1.4 on Sustainable and Integrated Management of Natural Assets. The project focuses on... -
Functional and epiphytic biodiversity differences between nine tree species i...
Globally there is increasing concern about the increase in tree pests and pathogens due to an increase in global trade and climate change. If individual tree species are lost or... -
Design and designation of private water supply risk areas,Scotland
Private water supplies (PWS) and users of the waters are responsible for the quality of the water unlike public water supplier who is solely responsible. When PWS serves 50 or... -
Data and report of study on 105-year record of river temperature in North-Eas...
Analysis of water of River Spey in North East Scotland was done to determine primarily changes in long-term river temperature. Discharge, water temperature, air temperature and... -
Characterization of surface water isotope spatial patterns of Scotland
National Waters Inventory for Scotland (NWIS) one of the previous work packages projects funded by the Scottish government had main objective of developing protocols for a new... -
Areas of likely high exposure to radon in groundwater drinking water supplies...
The map and data indicate areas in Scotland where there is high likely of exposure to radon in drinking water from groundwater supplies due to underlying rocks layer. The data...